Male Weight Gain Stories Magic

DvdMale Weight Gain Stories Magic

A Simple Weight Gain Story


Massive Male Weight Gain Stories

Male weight gain fan fiction

Fat Male Weight Gain Stories

At times, this story is not safe for work and truly not acceptable reading for those under 18. Please enjoy my first story on Big Closet and feel free to leave comments of constructive criticism. I won't cry in my tea over some good advice. 8) - Eclectic Kitty. A Simple Weight Gain Story A Simple Weight Gain Story. Published by Somebody 2006-08-24T18: A Simple Weight Gain Story Troy was excited to be at college. He had played sports in high school and at 170 and 6’1, he was lean, tall and muscular.

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Weight Gain Fiction Male

Male weight gain fan fiction

Magic Male Weight Gain Stories

A Simple Weight Gain Story
Troy was excited to be at college. He had played sports in high school and at 170 and 6’1, he was lean, tall and muscular. He was going to play at college but his Mom was strict on him and thought he should concentrate on his studies.
His dorm was full of laid back jock-types. Troy himself had a blond crew cut, blue eyes and a tan from going to the beach with his buddies. He would pass his dormmates as they went to the showers—towels around their waists and say “What’s up?” to them while secretly lusting after their semi-soft middles, deep belly buttons, and smooth, hard chests.
His roommate Mikey liked to sit around his room shirtless and surf the web. In fact, Mikey would sit at his computer whenever he was in the room and eat bags of potato chips, Domino’s Pizza and drink the seemingly endless supply of Dr. Peppers that his parents had left for him.
Noticing his eating habits, Troy asked him at the beginning of the year, “Yo Mikey, don’t you think you should go to the gym or run or something?”
Mikey grinned and sat up in his chair—his torso jiggling a little—he was starting to get soft in the pecs and waist. “Nah,” he said, “I don’t really give a shit.”
Troy understood the joys of indulging. So far, his favorite part of college was the food court. There were lots of options there: sodas, pizza, pasta, McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts and pints of Ben & Jerry’s. The best part was that he had tons of points on his meal plan. On his first day for dinner, he got two quarterpounders, a large fry, a large Coke, and a slice of cheesecake drizzled with chocolate syrup. Then he went back for a pint of Chubby Hubby which he brought with him to his room to eat before falling asleep.
In the mornings, he would get six donuts (chocolate or jelly filled) and wash them down with a quart of whole milk. He would meet Mikey after class and they would go back to the food court for lunch—usually a couple quarterpounders, fries, chocolate shakes, and a couple Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream bars.
One night in their room, while noticing Troy’s softening middle, Mikey patted his roommate on the stomach and said, “Careful buddy, you’re gonna get fat.”
Troy shrugged, biting into his ice cream bar. “I’ll still hit the gym and run, you know? It will all balance out in the end.”
But in the next few weeks, Troy was too busy with schoolwork. He thought about going for a run but felt too lazy. He liked sitting in the room with the TV on, doing his homework, or surfing the web. At night, Mikey and him would order two large Dominos pizzas and drink back a couple beers. College was great.
One morning, after getting out of the shower, Troy put on his gray boxer briefs and noticed they were skin tight on his ass. His belly drooped a little over the elastic waistband. Troy shrugged and pulled on his 33” cargo shorts. He tried buttoning them but they wouldn’t close. He had noticed his shorts had been getting tight lately but usually he could button them up by sucking in. He decided today he’d leave them unbuttoned. He put on an extra large sweatshirt that covered the undone button and his new layer of fat and went out for his usual six Dunkin’ Donuts before heading out for class.
Later that night, Troy flipped on the TV and took off his sweatshirt and relaxed with a pint of Chubby Hubby.
Mikey was at the computer, noticing Troy’s unbuttoned shorts. “Dude, you’re getting fat. You can’t even close your shorts.”
“Yeah, so?”
Mikey lifted his shirt. His belly, once barely chubby, was now fat and sagging over his pants. His chest drooped a little. He lifted up his belly to show his pants were unbuttoned as well. “I had to do the same thing man. Looks like those pizzas are catchin’ up with us.”
They laughed and dialed the number for Dominos.
The next month, Troy noticed that all the guys in the dorm were starting to get as fat as he was getting. Their bellies and beginning love handles jiggled as they walked down the hall to the showers. Troy felt his chest bounce slightly whenever he walked down stairs at school. He decided it was time to go to the gym – at least to work on his pecs and weigh himself.
He was schocked when the scale read 205 pounds – that was over thirty pounds in two and a half months! Though all the guys on the campus were looking like him – hearty, well-fed All-American guys. He thought about working out again but decided to give up on the exercises and get something to eat instead.
When he went home for Thanksgiving his parents said nothing about his weight. He was given generous portions of turkey, mashed potatoes made with cream covered in butter, and an apple pie that he finished off with a pint of Vanilla ice cream smoothed over the top. He was so used to eating McDonald’s and junk late night at school that he drove out at two in the morning to Wendy’s to get a triple classic, fries and a frosty – scarfing down his meal in the car.
That weekend his Dad bought him new 38” pants and XL shirts. While in line, his Dad patted his son’s gut. “Careful, buddy,” he said, “you’re a bigger size than me now.”
Troy blushed. He noticed the slender male models on the Gap ads on the walls in the store. And then looked down at his gut—which stuck out over his ever-tightening pants.
On the flight back to school, he had dropped his Sports Illustrated magazine on the floor. When he bent down to pick it up, the button popped off. “Damnit,” he said under his breath, “these are brand new pants.”
Later that night, in the dorm room, he told Mikey about how he stuffed himself all Thanksgiving and how his button had popped off of his 38” pants. Mikey laughed, “Dude, I’m wearing a 42”. You probably need a 40” now, at least!”
In the weeks before Christmas break, Troy noticed how fat all the guys had gotten. All of them had more fat not only on their stomachs, chests, and butts, but on their backs. Late at night in bed, Troy would feel his back and grab a handful of flesh. It was such a strange sensation –
his whole life, his back had been lean and strong.
Troy had started to get a dozen Dunkin’ Donuts in the morning. He’d bring the box back to his room and cram them in his mouth, washing them down with two or three whole milk quarts.
He went to the gym again. This time the scale settled on 230. He was a little ashamed that he had gotten so fat so quickly but he was pretty happy with his new heft. He liked how he could prop a book on his fat belly and read while fingering the blonde hairs around his deepening belly button. He’d lay a pizza box on it while watching TV or a pint of ice cream.
Right before break, he was alone in his room, remembering that he had his yearbook from his senior year. He flipped to his photograph, barely recognizing the face—so slim and jocky with full lips. Now there was dip below his jawline—the beginnings of a double chin—and his cheeks were chubby and doughy. He kept his blonde crew cut though and his eyes were still vibrant and blue. He found a shirtless picture of him at a swim meet—his chest flat and smooth. Now, his chest sagged towards his fat gut—he grabbed it with his hand and shook. He thought to try to find his Speedos from the swim team stashed in one of his suitcases.
He struggled to get the Speedo past his knees. He remembered how hard and muscular his legs were, now they wobbled and rubbed together when he walked. His fat butt sagged out of his Speedo. His gut jiggled over it. Before his skin was tan and taught over his muscles – now it was white and flabby. He thought about all the food he had been stuffing in his face (donuts, ice cream, pizza, burgers, full fat milk) – it made him horny, he started jerking off in the mirror, staring at his jiggly fat flesh until he came all over the glass.
Later Mikey walked in with four large Dominos Pizzas (they started eating two apiece recently) and a couple six packs of beer. Mikey was wearing a T-shirt that rode up over his belly button and red cotton drawstring pants that fit so tight, Troy could see where Mikey’s butt crack was.
They watched ESPN and toasted to a good Christmas. Mikey downed his beer quickly and burped—his belly bouncing a little as he did that.
They devoured their pizzas and ate in silence. Then after the second six pack, Troy put his hand on Mikey’s gut—fuzzed with dark hair. Mikey leaned in and kissed Troy—squeezing Troy’s flabby pecs. Soon, the drunk boys were on the bed. Troy tried to pull down Mikey’s red sweat pants but they were painted-on his fat ass.
“Dude, I can’t get these past your fat ass.”
Mikey kissed Troy’s full lips and pulled them off himself.
Troy felt a little sweat on the small of Mikey’s back—right before the elastic band on his briefs.
They both slipped their briefs off and Troy felt Mikey’s cock against his newly fattened thigh. Mikey’s heavy fat body was now on top of Troy—they rubbed against each other in the TV light, Troy tasting pepperoni and beer on Mikey’s breath.
“It looks like you’ve been eating too much this semester,” Mikey whispered, grabbing handfuls of Troy’s lovehandles.
Troy grabbed Mikey’s soft pecs, “You too, fatty. I bet you’re 250 now.”
When Troy squeezed Mikey’s ass, he noticed how flabby it was—like his own—and then he thought how good a semester they had together, stuffing their face with all the junk they wanted and how back home he’d have pie and turkey and cookies and chocolate and go out for late-night burger runs. His Dad would buy him 42” pants and he would go back on the flight, pop a button on his new pants and continue to grow with his buddy.