Neverwinter Bind Commands

  1. Neverwinter Bind Commands Cheat
  2. Neverwinter Bind Commands Minecraft
  3. Neverwinter Bind Commands
  4. Neverwinter Bind Commands Ps4

You can bind the combatlog to a key by entering this command in the console; bind KEY 'consoletoggle;combatlog' Replace 'KEY' with any key of your choice; I prefer F2. Bind f2 'consoletoggle;combatlog' Last edited by Hugh Mungus; Mar 24, 2018 @ 10:25am #1. May 25, 2019 @ 6:29am. Neverwinter Nights Cheats: Activating Debug Mode. As has become increasingly popular in computer games over the last decade, Neverwinter Nights allows players to access the developer’s console, and can perform a variety of tasks through the use of console commands.

Console Commands

Hit the tilde key ~ to access the console. Note that Commands are case sensitive.


Just remap 'Interact' in your options. A more difficult thing to rebind the targeting that's bound to Ctrl by default, that will require you to actually type: /bind +HardTargetLock. The game associates an action to a key pressed. Players will normally set these keys by using the keybinds tab in the options menu. You can change the actions a key will perform with the /bind command. You can get a list of the non-default key-bindings with by using /bindlocalsave. It will create a file in the neverwinter folder that will contain all the non-default key-bindings.

DebugMode 1 – Enables Cheats

ModCHA # – Add specific number to Charisma

ModCON # – Add specific number to Constitution

ModDEX # – Add specific number to Dexterity

ModINT # – Add specific number to Intelligence

ModSTR # – Add specific number to Strength

ModWIS # – Add specific number to Wisdom

dm_allspells 1 – Allows the use of every spell in the game. No class restrictions.

dm_modifyage # – Change your character’s age.

SetAppearance (001-298) – Change your character’s appearance

dm_modifysavefortitude # – Change your fortitude saving throw.

dm_modifysavereflex # – Change your reflex saving throw.

dm_modifysavewill # – Change your will saving throw.

DebugMode 0 – Disable cheats

dm_gettime – Display current game time

fps – Display your frames per second.

GiveXP # – Give a set amount of XP.

dm_givegold # – Gives you Gold

dm_levelup – Gives you just enough XP to gain one level.

dm_god – God mode

dm_heal – Heal all damage done to your main character.

hidepartynames – Hide your party’s names on the sidebar

dm_cowsfromhell – Makes angry cows appear to kill your enemies.

dm_modifyattackbase # – Modify your base to-hit bonus.

dm_modifyspellresistence – Modify your spell resistence.

dm_givelevel # – Raises your level

dm_settime – Set current game time

dm_setrace – Set your character’s race.

SetCHA # – Sets Charisma (9-50)

SetCON # – Sets Constitution (9-50)

SetDEX # – Sets Dexterity (9-50)

SetINT # – Sets Intelligence (9-50)

SetSTR # – Sets Strength (9-50)

SetWIS # – Sets Wisdom (9-50)

showpartynames – Show your party’s names on the sidebar

dm_mylittlepony – Speed Cheat

dm_allspells 0 – Turns off the above code.

Neverwinter bind commands
Related Posts:
This post is meant to be used in conjunction with the basic introductory post here:
The first post covers basic binds and how to set up CommandAliases.txt
Targeted Command Keybind Modules
Below are two additional modules that allows easily rebinding powers using a targeted command. Also at the bottom I added a generic ctrl+ module.
It's designed with a DC's Exaltation and Divine DG powers in mind, but it should work with any normal target-able powers, rebinding a particular key slot to target by name. I haven't tested this with anything other than Exaltation or d. DG, so YMMV
Exaltation Module
Exaltation is a power that you seldom want to cast except for the named target. Because of that, this Exalt module is set up to override your Exalt power key (Q, E, or R) with a targeted command. That way you can't accidentally cast it in a non-targeted way.
Here are the available commands*Previous versions of this module required you to backslash quote your target, but a kind soul shared with me a clever solution to avoid needing to do that.
Example Exaltation situation:
Let's say I have Exalt slotted to my R key, and I'm going to want to cast it on the main DPS character in party 'Damage Dealer'
This initializes the module (only once needed per character)

Code: Select all

Next, override the R key bind with the targeted exalt commandSet the target for the targeted exalt command, spelling out the target name (not case sensitive). This is the only manual / inelegant party of the experience. (see above*)

Code: Select all

Optionally, say the status of the Exalt Keybind and the target. (mostly for debugging)
From here, I can press R to hard-target cast Exaltation on 'Damage Dealer'. Note that this might cause your character to turn, which is a little disorienting at first but not terrible to get used to.
Once I'm done and ready to return to normal, I disable the module to restore my R key

Code: Select all

Exaltation Targeted Command Keybind Module Code

Neverwinter Bind Commands Cheat

Add this to CommandAliases.txtDivine Glow Module
This module is similar to the Exaltation module, and can live alongside it (in fact see below for some additional code if you're running both). There are 2 key differences from the Exalt module:
  • When you set it up, instead of overriding an existing Q E or R power, you set up a new bind for the targeted version. You pass it the key you want to bind when you call /dgQ /dgE or /dgR. It still needs to know which slot DG is in, so it can call the right power. Please note that currently this only supports binding to unmodified keys (no ctrl+ or alt+).
  • The bind that this module sets up triggers the +specialClassPower command, toggling your divinity status. This is intended so that you can start off combat with this command and it swaps you to divinity and casts divine DG on your main DPS all in one press. However, if you are already in divine mode, it will instead toggle your divinity off and cast a normal DG. You can remove this functionality by getting rid of +specialClassPower $$ in the 3 dgCommand_ aliases.
Here are the available commands

Code: Select all

Example Divine Glow situation:
Let's say I have Divine Glow slotted to my E key, I'm going to bind the new targeted command to the t key, and I'm going to want to cast it on the main DPS character in party 'Damage Dealer'
This initializes the module (only once needed per character)
Next, bind the T key with the targeted d. DG command

Code: Select all

Set the target for the targeted divine glow command, spelling out the target's name. Optionally, say the status of the d. DG Keybind and the target. (mostly for debugging)

Code: Select all

From here, I can press T to toggle Divinity and hard-target cast Divine Glow on 'Damage Dealer'.
Once I'm done and ready to return to normal, I disable the module to restore my T key
Divine Glow Targeted Command Keybind Module Code
Add this to CommandAliases.txt

Code: Select all

If you're running both Exalt + Divine Glow Modules
We can set up some /ed shortcuts that let us configure both modules at once.Here are the added commands

Code: Select all

Example Exalt + Divine Glow situation:
Let's say I have Exaltation slotted to my R key and Divine Glow slotted to my E key, I'm going to bind the new d. DG targeted command to the t key, and I'm going to want to cast both spells on the main DPS character in party 'Damage Dealer'
This initializes both modules
Next, override the R key bind with the targeted exalt command

Code: Select all

Now set up the d. DG bind for the t key. DG is slotted in E so we use /dgE.Set the target for the targeted commands, spelling out the target name.

Code: Select all

Optionally, say the status of the Keybinds and the target. (mostly for debugging)
From here, I can press T to toggle Divinity and hard-target cast Divine Glow on 'Damage Dealer'. Or I can press R to hard-target cast Exaltation (usually empowered) on 'Damage Dealer'
Once I'm done and ready to return to normal, I disable both modules to restore my T and R keys

Code: Select all

Generic Ctrl+ Keybind Module
add to CommandAliases.txt
What this does is simplifies the advanced modules a little, and makes it much easier to test which powers this might make sense for in combat.

Neverwinter Bind Commands Minecraft

Initialize the module (only need to do this once per character)

Code: Select all

Neverwinter Bind Commands

Turn on the ctrl+ target commands, specifying the target name (ex. my target 'damage dealer')now I can use ctrl+q ctrl+e or ctrl+r to cast the targeted version of each respective power. It works in divine mode etc.
There is a weird behavior I don't understand: Your character won't actually turn around to cast an AoE splat power, even if your target is behind you (might not be the worst thing haha). This remains the case even if i unbind holding ctrl to be a target lock...

Neverwinter Bind Commands Ps4

Turn off when you're done

Code: Select all

... and as predicted you can ask it the debug statusGood for playing around seeing what makes sense to target and what doesn't. Not all powers can be targeted on allies, and it will error out if you try to cast for instance Break the Spirit on your own companion. But Chains can, because it plops down centered around them.
This can also be used to name the boss, so you can consistently cast debuff powers on them (similar to hard target lock, but even safer imo)
PS: Console is not case sensitive. I love being all proper case, but you can get away with being sloppy