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Scrapebox 1.15.70 Full Working Version Cracked Download - Download Monetizing Tools. SCRAPEBOX CRACKED Updated Crack – 2020 + Tutorials. Downloaded, Tested and working Fine! Download txt file with instructions and download links. SCRAPEBOX is the infamous AIO Search engine optimization tool that nearly every Search engine optimization internet marketer praises about.



Features Scrapebox'a

1). Add comments on blogs ranking on platforms such as WordPress, Blog Engine , Movable , b2evolution , Blogger , Drupal and Expression Engine.

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- Scrapebox crack has the ability to 'learn ' new fields in forms. We learn for example, thanks to a program to record on some forums.
- Support for security breaches in the form of images (ie captcha ) .
- Fast commenting . ( Fast Poster )
- Slow commenting . ( Slow Poster )
- Manual commenting . (Manual Poster )
- Export all addresses . (Export - > Export all entries )
- Export sites that have managed to add a comment . (Export - > Export ' Posted ' entries )
- Export addresses , which failed to add a comment . (Export - > Export ' Failed' entries )
- Export the addresses where found captcha . (Export - > Export ' Captcha ' entries )
- Addition to the existing addresses that are in a text file . (Export - > Add to existing list)
- Report from commenting . (Export - > Edit Comment Report )
- Export addresses , which jumped mistake. (Export - > Export Error Log )
2 ) . Harvester addresses.
- Select the search engine from which to collect our addresses . We have : Google , Yahoo , Bing and AOL .
- Set the address search by time of publication. (Time )
- Removal of the same addresses . ( Remove Duplicate Url 's )
- Removal of addresses from the same domain . ( Remove Duplicate Domains )
- Removal of addresses from the same domain and store them in a text file . (Split Duplicate Domains )
- Remove addresses that contain the specified string in the address. (Remove Urls Containing )
- Removal of addresses that do not contain the specified string in the address. (Remove Urls Not Containing )
- Remove addresses that contain the specified string in the address from a text file . (Remove Urls Containing forms entries ... )
- Shorten addresses the same domain. ( Trim to Root )
- Shorten addresses to ostantniego folder. ( Trim urls to last folder )
- Check PageRank addresses. (Get Url PageRank )
- Check PageRank domain . (Get Domain PageRank )
- Checking the search engines to crawl in such as Google, Bing . (Check Indexed )
- Collect emails from addresses collected harvester to . ( Grab Emails - > From harvested Url List)
- Collecting mail addresses stored in a text file . ( Grab Emails - > From a local file )
- Collecting comments from addresses that are Harvesterze ( ability to ignore comments that are composed of ' n' word , ignoring comments that include links from the content of the comment, filtering comments that contain specific words in the text , edit the list of ' bad' words ) . ( Grab- > Grab commnetns harvested from URL lists )
- Import and replace existing addresses. ( Import and replace current list)
- Import and adding addresses to the existing ones. ( Import and add to current list)
- Indication of the addresses from the file / files and then compare them with the existing in order to remove the same addresses . ( Select the Url lists to the compare )
- Indication of the addresses from the file / files and then compare them with the existing in order to remove addresses from the same domain . ( Select the Url lists compare it to the domain level)
- Paste and replace the existing address from the clipboard into Scrapebox cracked download . ( Paste / Replace from Clipboard )
- Adding and adding addresses to the existing clipboard . ( Paste / Add from Clipboard )
- Export the addresses to a text file . (Export as Text )
- Export the addresses to a text file and dividing the addresses on the ' n ' files. (Export as Text and split letter )
- Export and mixing of addresses to a text file . (Export as Text and randomize list)
- Export to HTML file addresses . (Export as HTML)
- Export addresses to an Excel file . (Export as Excel)
- Export addresses to an XML file . (Export as RSS XML lists )
- Export and adding addresses to an existing text file. ( Add to the existing list)
- Copy all the addresses to the clipboard.
- Export addresses from PageRank to a text file . (Export as Text )
- Export addresses from PageRank to a CSV file . (Export as CSV)
- Export addresses from PageRank to HTML . (Export as HTML)
- Export addresses from PageRank to an Excel file . (Export as Excel)
- Import addresses from PageRank. ( Import from Text)
3). Harvester Proxy
- Load a proxy from a text file . ( Load)
- Harvester proxy of 7 possible sources . ( Harvest Proxies )
- Ability to add your proxy sources by typing the address into them. ( Harvest Proxies - > By typing the url )
- Ability to add your proxy sources from a text file . (By importing a letter of urls )
- Testing the proxy . (Test Proxies )
- Filtering Proxy - just leave anonymous proxy . (Filter - > Keep anonymous proxies )
- Filtering Proxy - leave only proxies that do not have a ban on Google. (Filter - > Keep Google proxies )
- Filtering Proxy - remove the selected proxy . (Filter - > Remove Selecteed )
- Filtering Proxy - proxy removal of speed. (Filter - > Remove to speed)
- Ability to determine the number of connections . (Configuration - > Connections)
- Ability to determine the waiting time. (Configuration - > Timeout )
- Ability to test proxies without regard to Google. (Configuration - > Google No te)
- Export proxy to the main list in Scrapebox -ie . (Export - > Save it Proxies scrapebox )
- Save proxydo text file. (Export - > Save proxies to a text file )
4). Search keywords.
- Search words from sources such as Google Suggest, Yahoo! Search Assist Suggestions Amazon , YouTube , Bing Search Suggestions , Google Product Search, Search Suggestions , Search Suggestions . ( Scrape - > Keyword Scraper - > Select Keyword Scraper Sources )
- Having regard to the location of the search words such as Google . ( Scrape - > Keyword Scraper - > Select Keyword Scraper Sources )
- Transfer of words found back to the list of search words . ( Scrape - > Keyword Scraper - > Transfer Results to Keyword List)
- Adding keywords to the main list in Scrapebox cracked Working . ( Scrape - > Keyword Scraper - > Add to Main Keyword List)
- Delete searched the same keyword . ( Scrape - > Keyword Scraper - > Remove Duplicate Keywords )
- Checking for availability of sophisticated words domain . COM , . ORG . NET . INFO ( Scrape - > Keyword Scraper - > Domain Name Lookup )
- Export of free domain names to a text file . ( Scrape - > Keyword Scraper - > Domain Name Lookup- > Export Available Domains )
- Export seized domains into a text file . ( Scrape - > Keyword Scraper - > Domain Name Lookup- > Export unavailable Domains )
5). Adding user agents .
6). Pinging addresses.
7). Pinging RSS .
8). Send Track tanks on blogs .
9). Check addresses in search of our links .
- Set check only on the root domain .
- Export the addresses , which are our link to the text file . (Check Links - > Links - Export > Export links found)
- Export sites that are not our link to a text file . (Check Links - > Links - Export > Export link not found )
- Export addresses in error to a text file . (Check Links - > Links - Export > Export links reporting server error )
- Export the addresses , which are our link to the HTML file . (Check Links - > Links - Export > Export as HTML links found )
- Export all links to an Excel file . (Check Links - > Links - Export > Export all as Excel)
- Pause .
10). Generator names and e-mails.
- Generate a male or female names ( Tools- > Open Name & Email Generator - > Generate Names)
- Generation of e-mails. ( Tools- > Open Name & Email Generator - > Generate Emails )
11). The text editor .
- Ability to add on each line (read each address ) ' button' , ' inurl ' and ' intitle ' . ( Tools- > Scrapebox Text Editor - > Modifier )
- Sort lines alphabetically from A ... Z or Z .... A.
12). Checking Alexa Rank addresses.
- Save Alexa Rank addresses to a text file .
13). Check whether the address exists on the Internet.
- Transfer of all addresses to scrapebox . ( Addons- > Alive check- > Save/Transfer- > Transfer all Back to scrapebox )
- Transfer of existing addresses only to scrapebox . ( Addons- > Alive check- > Save/Transfer- > Transfer Alive Back to scrapebox )
- Transfer of existing addresses not only to scrapebox . ( Addons- > Alive check- > Save/Transfer- > Transfer Dead Back to scrapebox )
- Save all the addresses on the disk. ( Addons- > Alive check- > Save/Transfer- > Save All to your Harddrive )
- Saving of existing addresses on the disk. ( Addons- > Alive check- > Save/Transfer- > Save Alive to your Harddrive )
- Saving a non-existing addresses on the disk. ( Addons- > Alive check- > Save/Transfer- > Save Dead to your Harddrive )
14). Scrapebox audio player .
15). Check Back Link (BL ) .
- Export of links to a CSV file . ( Addons- > Scrapebox Backlink Checker - > Export As ... -> Export as CSV)
- Export links to Excel XLS . ( Addons- > Scrapebox Backlink Checker - > Export As ... -> Export as Excel XLS )
16). Checking addresses blogs Blog Engine platform are moderated or not.
17). Analysis of blogging.
- Ability to import addresses to Appendix Blog Analyzer with Scrapebox Harvester , from the list of blogs to comment on and from a text file .
- Set the number of blogs analyzed at the same time .
- After analyzing blogs can reboot all blogs have viewed an error .
- Filtering, which allows us to remove the bad blogs or blogs captcha .
- Saving analyzed in terms of blogging platforms on which is placed a blog, the same address where the captcha appeared , all addresses to a text file , Harvester Scrapeboxie .
18). Check if URLs are DoFollow / NoFollow . Only powered by WordPress .
19). Checking IP addresses.
- Check the location .
20). Checking if by chance the address does not have artificial PageRank.
21). Check the competitiveness of keywords.
- Broad or Exact . ( Addons- > Scrapebox Google Competition Finder )
22). Search and save images based on keywords.
23). Checking addresses are not infected with viruses .
24). Indexing entries using additive Scrapebox Rapid Indexer crack 2014 .
25). The ability to play chess with the computer .
26). Appendix Scrapebox crashdump Logger
- Enabling this feature will launch a separate process , so that in case of failure scrapebox will be able to open all of the data that we have lost the moment off scrapebox .
- Appendix turn on in the options ( Options-> Enable logging crashdump )
- Write files in the root folder scrapebox . In the file ' crashdump_poster_submitted.txt ' sticking up all the addresses blogs which managed to add a comment . In the file ' crashdump_poster_master.txt ' - all addresses from the list of blogs. In the file ' crashdump_poster.txt ' - all of the addresses to which managed to add our comments and have not managed to add it.
27). Appendix Scrapebox Whois Scraper
- Obtaining information on domain registration , date of expiry of the domain name and address of who is the registered domain .
- Save the received data to a text file .
- Load addresses from a text file or Harvester.
- Increasing the number of simultaneous connections - up to 10
28). Appendix Scrapebox DupRemove
- Merge multiple files into one . Up to 180 million lines in text files .
- Remove duplicate domains or addresses.
- You do not need scrapebox to be able to use the additive. Link to DupRemove ->
29). Appendix scrapebox cracked free download Google Cache Extractor
- Load addresses from a text file or Harvester.
- Multithreading .
- Export to an Excel file . Xls , . Csv or . Txt .
- Remove nieznalezionych addresses in the cache and deleting addresses with errors.
30). Appendix Scrapebox Mass URL Shortener - shorten links
- Shortening links: , , , etc.
- Adding a single link .
- Import links that you want to shorten .
- Export shortened links is a text file.
31). Appendix Scrapebox Learning Mode
- Plug to learn new blog platforms that have custom fields , etc. More about the plug can be read here .
32). Appendix Scrapebox cracked full Unicode Converter v1.9 rar
- Convert non-standard characters ( Chinese , Polish , etc.) to Unicode .
- Downloading kluczykowych words from a text file .
- Harvestowanie only with Google .
33). Appendix Scrapebox Ansi Converter
- Export addresses from the harvester as Unicode or utf -8 .
34). Appendix Scrapebox crack Dofollow Test
- Checking if our links are dofollow or nofollow .
- Loads web addresses where we want to check dofollow and nofollow links .
- Set the maximum number of connections .
- Exporting.
35). Appendix Page Scanner

SCRAPEBOX CRACKED Updated Crack – 2020 + Tutorials

Downloaded, Tested and working Fine! Download txt file with instructions and download links.
Cheers !


SCRAPEBOX is the infamous AIO Search engine optimization tool that nearly every Search engine optimization internet marketer praises about. Scrapebox is definitely an amazingly fast, stable, backlink building machine. At first glance, scrapeboxis really a effective blog bombarding/leaving comments tool. But to actually use scrapeboxto the full potential, I am unable to list all its feature on that one single posts.

Fast Multi-Threaded Operation
Exceptionally fast operation with multiple concurrent connections.

Highly Customizable
Numerous options for expansion and customization to suit your needs.

Outstanding Value
Hundreds of features to complement your SEO at an affordable price.

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Numerous Addons
Over 30 free addons, to expand Scrapebox with numerous new features.

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Great Support
Numerous support video’s, guides and 24/7 tech support staff available.

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Tried And Tested
Originally released in 2009 and still going strong in 2017 with frequent updates.

Described by many users as the Swiss Army Knife of SEO! Years later, people are still finding innovative new uses for ScrapeBox to help with their day to day SEO and Internet Marketing needs.

Core Features

Search Engine Harvester
Harvest thousands of URL’s from over 30 search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing in seconds with the powerful and trainable URL harvester.

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Keyword Harvester
Extensive keyword harvester, to produce thousands of long-tail keywords from a single base keyword.

Proxy harvester
Powerful proxy harvester and tester, to ensure you can keep your work private through the use of thousands of free proxies.

Comment Poster
Use the fast, and trainable multi-threaded poster to leave comments on dozens of platforms with your backlink and desired anchor text.

Link Checker
Quickly scan thousands of pages to verify your backlinks exist, and the anchor text with the fast multi-threaded backlink checker.

Numerous Tools

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Download Videos, Create RSS Feeds or Sitemaps, Find Unregistered Domains, Extract Emails, Check Indexed Pages and dozens more time saving features.
Just a few of our awesome features…
Search Engine Harvester

harvesterHarvest thousands of URL’s from Google, Yahoo and Bing and 30 other search engines in seconds! With inbuilt footprints for finding numerous platforms like WordPress, Forums, Guestbooks etc.
You can gather lists of links that are highly relevant to your keywords and niche. Great for researching competitors, finding new blogs to comment on, doing product research or even gathering facts and info for your next blog post or article.

You also have the ability to easily add your own search engines to harvest from virtually any site. You can add specific country based search engines, or even create a custom engine for a WordPress site with a search box to harvest all the post URL’s from the website. If the site has a search box, chances are ScrapeBox can work with it!

Mass Link Builder
Mass poster Trainable poster means blog commenting has never been easier, you can make thousands of blog comments in minutes. Have you ever wanted to populate your blog with comments so it appears more popular?

Are you in desperate need of backlinks? The ScrapeBox blog commenter doesn’t just post on your own blogs, you can post comments on dozens of different blog platforms, guestbooks, image platforms, trackbacks and even contact forms.
This will help boost your exposure in all the search engines, receive a higher Pagerank and send a flood of traffic to your sites from readers of the thousands of blogs clicking your link in the comments.

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Proxy Harvester
Proxy Harvester ScrapeBox can harvest proxies from various websites and forums which publish proxy lists, so you can add the URL’s of your favorite proxy websites.
ScrapeBox will visit these and fetch the published proxies, test them for working proxies and save the good proxies.

You can even add a custom proxy test, so you can test if proxies are working for FaceBook, Twitter or any other site you choose besides just being anonymous.
There’s also country filters, port filters, speed filters to help you get the exact proxies you need. Some tools charge more than ScrapeBox just for this one feature!

Keyword Scraper
Keyword Scraper Keywords it’s hard to do keyword research without them right? Don’t worry ScrapeBox has you covered with it’s lightening fast keyword scraper.
There’s a gold mine of keywords out there amongst various “suggest” services like Google Suggest.
When you type in to search boxes of various services, many pop down suggestions for related and long tail searches.

These are highly valuable because they are based on what other people are typing and looking for. ScrapeBox can harvest these suggestions from many popular services making it possible to gather tens of thousands of keywords from a single base keyword.