Wartune Talent Level


Wartune Introduces Talent System. Recently there was an introduction of the Talent System in Wartune (applicable as of level 50). Basically from what I understood all. Level Up I (Lvl. 20) Duration: Day1 - Day 5 23:59 Description: Reach level 20 before the end of the 5 th dayafter the server is released and be rewarded. Sack of Gold x500 VIP Trial Card x1 Enhanced Bounty Scroll x50 Extreme Stamina Potion x10 Lvl. 1-5 Gem Pack x100. Level Up II (Lvl. Wartune is a free 2.5D online MMORPG that mixes strategy with classic turn-based action. Choose one of three classes and enjoy an adventure of city-building and turn-based battles with PvP, Boss challenges and diverse upgrade systems.

Wartune Fast Leveling Guide by S49_JTPM

My Leveling guide is going to be simple enough , but note that it requires some time to achieve.


What i learned from this game is that the first 40 levels can be achieved in less then 15 days of constant playing (without missing a day)

You would want to start your first 20-25 levels with doing all the available main quests , don’t use your exp scrolls on these levels as they wont help you that much.

Bounties Quests

For those who prefer cashing do all your bounties purple/orange (i usually keep on refreshing the quests and doing all of them 20 quests in 20-30 minutes time. Note: This will easily give you more time to focus on the rest of the ways of getting exp.). And for those who don’t have this opportunity do blue/purple/orange bounties , make sure to check your bounties building every 30 minutes since sometimes you get only white/green quests.
Note: don’t use any xp scrolls while doing bounties as they don’t give you anything.


Upon reaching level 22-23 (can’t remember exactly) go into the catacombs everyday , don’t use any crypt keys/runes/balens as at the early levels it is not that important.
When you reach level 35 and have the whole PvP set +12 with sockets , try maximizing your Catacombs levels to the top (by that time you should be able to reach level 40-50 in the catacombs) and as soon as you reach that level start using blitz with a crypt key for x2 exp. and items.
Note: it is very important to focus on reaching the maximum highest level you can in the catacombs starting from 40+ since the exp gain there starts to be reasonable.

Multiplayer Dungeons

From the start try to run all MP’s with the same group of people in order to achieve friendship level of 3+ by the time you reach level 40.
Starting from level 40 when you should already have the full PvP set +12 with sockets (your whole group should have the set) you can start running Void Nightmare for the exp. boost. But to be able to go Void Nightmare you should complete normal mode once first.
Note: For those who can’t complete Void nightmare , you can always ask a higher level player to help you. Same goes for 45+ MP dungeons.
Always use your 100/50% exp. scrolls before the last boss in the 1st run to boost your exp. even more.

Campaign Dungeons

What i do here is first i try to get the maximum amount of stamina i can (refreshing 60 stamina in between events and using any stamina potions i have left or received from the guild blessing) in order to get 160+ stamina.
After that i start Streak on the highest level dungeon available since it gives more exp. before starting i use a 100/50% exp. boost scroll for 8+ runs. At level 48 dungeon i receive around 800k-1 mill exp. for 8-10 runs with 100% scroll and level 5 VIP
Hint: the level 48 dungeon gives 25k gold on every run so you might want to consider this as a good profitable dungeon.
Very important: Don’t use the Streak before you have finished the “Shadow Crystal” daily quest , i’ll explain why in the next section.

Daily Quests

The daily quests are mainly very easy to do and all you need is time for that. I would say that the hardest daily quest is the “Shadow Crystal” one since sometimes the luck isn’t on your side and you don’t get enough Crystals to complete the quest. That’s why i was saying to wait before starting the Streak on solo dungeons since streak doesn’t give you the opportunity to open Mystery Chests that sometimes contain x3 Shadow Crystals. So in that case i would recommend doing all solo’s manually (still with a scroll) till you get your Shadow Crystal quest done , that’s in case if you are lucky enough and have enough skeleton keys.
Hint: Another way to complete the quest is by using the VIP wheel which contains Shadow Crystals ( if there aren’t any shadow crystals , just close it and reopen it till there are at least 2-3 crystals) and the last way of getting shadow crystals is trough the guild blessing which gives 5 crystals , but that’s only if you are lucky enough.

Other ways of earning exp.


If you got lots of insignias because of guild battle winnings and need that extra boost, go for exp scroll at arena shop. it cost 10 insignias for 5,000exp if you do the math..100insg=10×5,000= 50,000exp

Enhanced bounty scroll

If you have tons of enhanced bounty scroll, better save them for later when you are 50+. because bounty scroll gives you exp based on your current level. (not on the level you got that bounty scroll)


If you have the opportunity to buy the Level 3 (1h) seeds for 5 balens each , do it!

Higher level will give you more xp from seeds and less time for waiting!

I recommend everyone to level up his farm to the max available level and save all your vouchers for upgrading it starting from level 30 farm.
Always plant 1 kyanite seed and the rest should be exp. seeds. For the time that you are going to be online always buy the 1h seeds. And by the time you have to leave buy the 4h seeds.

Daily Duels

Another way of earning exp. is finishing all 20 duels you have daily (at level 49 it gives me ~100k exp.)

Guild Tree

Last way of earning exp. is attending your guild’s tree spawn which is very important since it gives ~2%+ of your current level , depending on the tree level and it’s recharge amount.

If you have any questions , please PM me anytime on S49 , my character name there is JTPM.

With this guide i have achieved top player on S49 and level 49 in 22 days of constant playing.

I hope i could help, have fun and good luck to all of you.

Originally I wanted to write a full analyis of the new Wartune patch, but the Henna-Tatoo-Knighthood topic itself will fill a full entry, so I will continue with the rest only in my next post.

Wartune talent level
When they added the Tatoo system with the last patch, at first glance it seemed a small stat bonus, nothing special. But these stats are adding up, and as we learned from a Russian test server, can go up to +5000 stat per slot! That's pretty powerful, making Tatoo the next Holy Forge, being able to increase your attack and defense by as much as 20-30 percent. But hold on for a minute, and let's make the math.

On average, 100 henna gives you +5 stat increase. You earn 300 henna per day, so you can get +450 stat per month. To reach the maximum 40.000, you need almost 8 years. 'Fortunately' we have advanced henna as well, which can give you something like +30 stat increase per 100 adv. henna used. Too bad that advanced henna is a purely cash item currently. And it's sold super expensive as usual - based on the stats given and BR for balen value, 100 adv. henna worth aprox. 100 balens. But the shop sold it for 500 balens, at 5x price. So far, I just said, who cares, ignore this new way to waste money in the game - it's so expensive, only the heavy whales will buy it, and they are already too strong compared to the rest of the players, it won't make any difference.
Wartune talent level
Tatoo of Quorax

However, the current patch added a new feature, 'Knighthood', the next step after Class Advancement. And it's prerequisite is +12000 total tatoo stats! Something you can reach in 2 years - or immediately, if you are willing to cough up 2000 USD for the advanced henna. Which only one player, Quorax did so far on the European servers. I say, do not worry much about this. You don't have to wait 2 years. Henna will be inflated like everything else in the past 3 years. First, they sell it at gold price to cashers. Then they will start to give more and more in gift packs. Then they reduce prize, and finally, we shall start getting tons of it as a free reward for some new event. Until then, just keep collecting the free henna, and don't even think about advanced as long as it's prize is not reduced to 1 balen apiece.
Wartune Talent Level
It is a pretty unfortunate thing to add a complex system to a game, which is available either after 2 years, or if you play 2000 USD. The devs obviously didn't do their math. But let's put aside this prerequisite, and check what Knighthood does actually.

The main feature is that both your skills and talents are replaced completely. Hold on... I lose all my skills? All my talents? No more Thunderblast? No more Restoration? I hope they give something really good instead.... Well, they do. For a mage, you can choose between 2 path, Arcane and Restoration. You can even have free switch between the two, but for that, you need 16000 total tatoo, not 12000. There are 2 basic skills which apply to both paths: one is an improved version of lightning bolt (more damage, more rage) the other is an improved version of Rain of Fire (more damage). But the bigger deal is that these skills give you a permanent passive bonus of +20% MATK, +20% HP and +30% MDEF. Thats a real kickass bonus, more than you get from all your tatoos (even when those are impressive too). So when you reach Knighthood, you will play in a different league, you will become a god.

About the rest of the skills: the additional arcane skills are great too, nice delphic, nice big aoe, cool passives like one which reduces the opponent's resists, the other reduces their awakening points. However, the restoration skills suck at first glance. Instead of restoration - which usually heals the caster to max hp - you get a skill which heals only 10% of your max HP at level 1. Same for the 'big' group heal, restores only a percentage. Complete useless as long as Tritons and Blessing of Light exists. Even the new suntoria is a pale version of its previous version. Sure there are some passive mini-heals, but the fact is, mage loses it's ability to heal when reaching Knighthood. So this is also a nerf, disguised as a boost.

And what about the talents? I remember we were grinding XP for months to max out holy seal level 99 and the rest of the talents. Some (ok, most) talents are pretty useless, but there are some which are real good. Direct 14% damage decrease, 30% reduction in rage cost, extra heal for Restoration (wait, heal is no more), and Thunderblast slowing 100% chance (wait, Thunderblast is no more). These talents will be all GONE. And what you get instead? Some cool new talents: increased resist, resist reduce, tenacity, intensity, influence (although I wonder how can I use influence when I don't have frost bolt anymore, or any other skill which could stun, lol). But each level cost (bound) balens, the more talent points you have the more it cost. The total can be several hundred thousands :)

You can see a full video on youtube about the new mage skills and talens, thanks to chillin and wartunenewsfeed for making it:

There is one more thing, you can upgrade your equipment further in the new mpds after you do Knighthood. It's a cool thing, too bad not available to 99,99% of the players either.

Wartune Talent Level

So what I think, this knighthood thing is messed up. It's something like, 'Hey guys, business is not going as we used to. So please, please, give us 2000 USD, in exchange, we will give you 50% increase in your BR. You will be stroooong. (ok, we will nerf a few things, like healing and stun, but you didn't need those anyway).'

So I think Knighthood requirements are too steep. They should be lower, and they should add extra talent for pumping up your henna total (and not selling it for ridiculous balen prices). Also I don't see the point of replacing the skill system, they should have just boosted the old skills to additional levels. Fight is decided in sylph phase anyway, I don't see much point in totally revamping the skills, people will be angry losing the old skills they used to. Don't fix something that is not broken!

Wartune Talent Level 20