Killing Floor 2 Console Commands

The following is a list of console commands in Killing Floor. The default key for opening the console is the grave accent key or backtick (`). Command names are case-insensitive.

  1. Killing Floor 2 Mouse Sensitivity Console Command
  2. Cached
  3. See Full List On


Command Description
behindview 0Sets the players view to first-person.
behindview 1Sets the players view to third-person.
freecamera 1/0Locks player rotation (still allowing for 'WASD' movement) and allows camera rotation around player.
fov xChange your current field of view to x degrees
suicideCauses the player character to die.
say <message string>Broadcast a message to other players in the game.
throwweaponThis command throws your current weapon to the ground.
shotThis command saves a screenshot into the Unreal Engine game's System directory.
set input <key> <command>Binds an action to a particular key.

Using a password Start Killing Floor 2 on your Pc Open the console by pressing the ' key Enter the command open ServerIP:Port?password=yourpassword, like open 123.456.789.0:7777?password=8g8s222d for instance. You should now connect to your server. Killing Floor 2 game guide focuses on Boss Console Commands Cheat Code. In the guide you can also find boss values and cheat codes. While writing this instruction, we pick up many pieces of information from several sites for you. We hope that this guide will help you. Boss Console Commands Cheat Code Learn the Boss Before Boss Wave. Killing Floor 2 Grim Treatments – Console Commands. Share; Cheat Codes / Console Commands. During gameplay, press the tilde (The key above TAB) to bring up the. = bring up command console EnableCheats = You can now use the cheats below God = Godmode Demigod = You'll take damage down to 1 hp fly = You can fly around the map ghost = you can pass through walls, doors, etc Imrich = 100,000 Dosh (money) KIllzeds = Kills all of the Zeds.


Command Description
demoplay demonamePlays the specified demo demoname
demorec demonameRecords a demo as demoname
stopdemoStops recording of a demo


Killing Floor 2 Console CommandsKilling
Command Description
show actorsToggles display of all actors
show bspToggles display of BSP
show collisionToggles display of simple collision
show coronasToggles display of Coronas
show fluidToggles display of fluid
show fogToggles display of DistanceFog
show skyToggles display of sky
show staticmeshesToggles display of StaticMeshes
show pathsToggles display of Bot paths
show volumesToggles display of Bot volumes


Command Description
memstatDisplays Windows memory usage
stat allDisplays all statistics
stat animDisplays animation statistics
stat audioDisplays audio statistics
stat fpsDisplays current and average frames per second
stat gameDisplays game statistics
stat hardwareDisplays hardware statistics
stat lightDisplays dynamic light statistics (this will bug off when wave is start)
stat netDisplays network statistics
stat renderDisplays rendering statistics
stat noneTurns off all statistics


Command Description
disconnectDisconnects from current server
exit or quitQuits the game
open addressConnects to the server at address
open mapnameOpens specified map (tip: open Kf-bIOtIcSlAb, Mix it up)
preferencesOpens the preferences window in Windows
reconnectReconnects to current server
reportCopies game info to the clipboard
showlogOpens the game log in Windows
setname(name)change player name
togglefullscreenswitch between windowed and full screen view
setres WxHSame as in-game Resolution option

Rendering tweaks[edit]

Note: Only available in solo mode.
Command Description
rend blendRenders normally with mesh overlay
rend boneRenders bones
rmode 1Wireframe only
rmode 2Zone view
rmode 3Use textures
rmode 4Turns all BSP white. Normal lighting for statics.
rmode 5Normal rendering
rmode 6No shadows
rmode 7Lighting mode
rmode 8Visualizing overdraw mode


Note: The 'enablecheats' command must be entered before any cheats can be activated, and only works in single-player. Using cheats will prevent you from redeeming achievements and levelling up perks.
Command Description
Allammo999 ammo for every weapon
ArsenalGives 70% Weapons
ArmorUpEveryone has full armor
AssaultMeGives Rifle Weapons
BackupSpawns a bot. The bot does not attack for or defend itself.
Bombs 0/1Gives BombMan Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
BondGives Golden Weapons Part I
Bond2Gives Golden Weapons Part II
BurnEmBurn Them To Hell.
CamoGives Camo Weapons
ChangeSize x from 0 to 5Scale the player's size to be x default size
FlameUp 0/1Gives Flame Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
Flare 0/1Gives Flare Gun 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
Flares 0/1Gives Flare Guns 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
FragZedsBlow them up.
FreezeallFreeze everything.
FreezeFrame XAfter the time tick X, it will auto pause game
FrightPack 0/1Gives Fright Pack Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
GhostNoclip mode
GodGod mode
HealHeals the player
HordeSpawns a RandomZombie around you.
HugeGnomeBig Fun In HillbillyHorror
IJCGives IJC Weapons
ImrichGives 10,000 cash
KillViewedActorKill 'Viewed' bot under crosshair.
LaidLawYou've got LAW!
LoadedGives 999 ammo for every weapon
LockCamera(Un)lock the Camera
Meleeme 0/1Gives melee weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
MedsGives Medic Weapons
MopUpShow total number of zombies
NailsYou've got NailGun!
PatRageForcing the Patriarch to do his radial attack.
PistolsGives all pistol weapons
PlayersonlyFreezes everything except players
ReviewJumpSpotsspawn a bot and use the bot Viewed (under crosshair), showing jump spots.
RiflemeGives rifle weapons
SMGGives SMG Weapons
SetFlashflash screen
Setgravity xLets you modify the gravity of the current game (-950 = normal gravity).
Setjump xLets you modify the jump height of the current game.
ShottyGives all shotguns
ShowPathsshow apple paths of the zeds -UnCheats
Slomo xLets you modify the game speed of the current game (1 = normal speed).
SniperGives Sniper Weapons
SummonSummons string ClassName (e.g. Summon kfchar.zombieclot)
ShowDebugShows paths and debugging information.
TeleportAllows one to teleport to the surface at your crosshair.
ViewPlayer nameView (spectate) from ClassName player's camera.
ViewSelfView from own camera.
ViewZombieView from random zombies.
WalkDisables flying and/or noclip mode
ZEDYou've got ZEDGun!


Command Description
adminlogin passwordLogs you in as admin using password
adminlogoutLogs out admin mod
admin adminsay messageDisplays message in the middle of each player's screen
admin map KF-mapname.romChanges current map to KF-mapname.rom
admin Switch KF-mapname.romChanges current map to KF-mapname.rom
pausePauses the game
admin Kickremove a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list)
admin KickBanBan a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list)
admin RestartMapRestart Current Map.
admin NextMapGo to NextMap.
admin PlayerListWrite player list save to KillingFloor.log
Retrieved from ''
Killing Floor 2 Official Community map
AuthorSean 'synchaoz' Nielsen
Trader Locations1
CollectiblesSnow Globe (41)
Weapon Spawns24
Ammo Spawns79
Player Spawns25
Zed Spawns 210
PS4 Trophies

The Elysium is a holdout-style community-made official Killing Floor 2 map. Is was added in the game as a part of Christmas Crackdown update.

More Killing Floor 2 Console Commands videos

Killing Floor 2 Mouse Sensitivity Console Command

  • 3Arenas


Elysium is an eerie otherwordly arena, suspended in an ethereal void, where an unseen entity has tasked you with guarding the spire at its heart; an ominous place where things rarely stay the same. Gather your allies, stock up on guns and ammo, and prepare to travel back and forth between old and new destinations.


Upon completion of series of objectives on Elysium during the Christmas Crackdown players were rewarded with the 'Christmas | Tactical Elf-pack' cosmetic accessory.

Tactical Elf-pack
  • 'Frozen Roses': Collect 3 roses in Elysium.
  • 'Four Different Tales': Collect 4 tomes in Elysium.
  • 'Under the Mistletoe': Complete one wave in Elysium's Botanica arena.
  • 'A Christmas Carol': Complete one wave in Elysium's Loremaster Sanctum arena.
  • 'Everlasting Winter': Complete wave 15 on Endless Hard or higher difficulty on Elysium.


Players begin their journey in the Central arena containing the only available Trader Pod on this map. For every even wave (and exluding every next wave after the Boss wave in Endless) players getting teleported to the one of the randomly chosen arenas including Desert, Fallout, Forest, Old Town, Void Zone, Glitch as well as to two secret arenas available after completion of certain tasks. After fighting their way through the wave of ZEDs players will be teleported back to the Central arena to replenish the ammo. In this Central arena they would have to stay for another wave just to get them randomly teleported again.


To unlock secret arenas players would have to find 3 roses in the Forest arena and place them in vases in the Central arena (that would give them access to Botanica level) and to find 4 tomes and place them on pedestals next to the one of Central arena's walls (to unlock Lore Master Sanctum). However players would still have to test their luck as these new secret arenas will still only be picked randomly.

As players visit new places and travel back, the Central arena changes its shape growing more and more details from the dimensions players visit. Such as after visiting the Fallout arena that is filled with toxic waste the Central arena will get decorated with few giant vertical pipes pulverizing green liquid that would hurt both players and ZEDs. These new decorations add complexity to the Central arena making navigation there both hard (during normal waves) and easier (during Boss waves) granted that it provides more and more cover as well and new environmental hazards.

Points Of Interest

  • Collect 3 roses in the Forest arena and place them into 3 vases in Central arena to unlock Botanica arena.
  • Collect 4 tomes in the Desert arena and place them on pedestals next to the one of the Central arena's walls and then press the lever to unlock Lore Master Sanctum.
  • In the Forest arena between houses there is death body on the straw brick. Ignite it with fire weapon (50 damage required) to activate the Burning Souls trap (3 of them) in the Central arena. This burning pyre will then be doing 10 fire damage / s in the area as well as some DOT damage. Burning Souls damage is 7 / s plus DOT.
  • Visit Void arena to decorate Central arena with 3 Void Sphere traps (do 10 Freeze damage within 2s intervals).
  • Visit Fallout arena to decorate Central arena with 3 Pillar traps (do 5 Toxic damage / s plus DOT).
  • Central area of the Fallout arena is dangerous to stay in. It does 5 Toxic damage / s plus DOT.


See Full List On

  • Main pillar in the Central arena contains rather inaccessible zone with the Readable Lore Tablet in it, right next to the Trader Pod (can be viewed by using cheat commands). While there is no clear indication of what it was meant to do (presumably it was left unfinished) it seems like it was related to four floating Tablets that eventually appear on the Central arena. There is a lore text allocated to each of these Tablets (might be out of order):
    • Harken, ye guardians of the balance, for your duty is clear;
    • Beholden as you are, to the reach that delves into all of beyond; the heart of the eternal spire is your care; your destiny
    • For it alone carries the weight of the tether between Heaven and Hell, that it may stand the test of eternity.
    • By decree of Mother's bossom, as etched upon this very rock, the monument of Elysium shall stand the test of time
    • - The Architect
  • The wall opposite to the wall that contains lever to the Lore Master Sanctum has similar type of the 'door' in it. While it seems impossible to get inside, there's a text message associated with this place: 'Only death and despair awaits you in this place'.


  • Fallout arena

  • Old Town

Killing Floor 2 Navigation
  • Alpha Clot (Rioter
  • VS)
  • Slasher (VS)
  • Crawler (Elite Crawler
  • VS)
  • Stalker (VS)
  • Bloat (VS)
  • Gorefast (VS)
  • Siren (VS)
  • Husk (VS)
  • Scrake (VS)
  • Fleshpound (VS)
  • Bosses ( Patriarch (VS)
  • Abomination(spawn)
  • Matriarch)
  • Road Redeemer(DLC)
  • Zweihander(DLC)
  • Ion Thruster(DLC)
  • Minigun(DLC)
  • HRG Buckshot (Dual HRG Buckshots)
  • Frost Fang(DLC)
  • Mine Reconstructor(DLC)
  • Blunderbuss(DLC)
  • Spitfire (Dual Spitfires)
  • 1858 Revolver (Dual 1858 Revolvers)
  • M1911 Pistol (Dual M1911 Pistols)
  • HRG Winterbite (Dual HRG Winterbites)
  • .50 Desert Eagle (Dual .50 Desert Eagles)
  • Rhino (Dual Rhinos) (DLC)
  • .500 Magnum Revolver (Dual .500 Magnums)
  • AF2011-A1 (Dual AF2011-A1s)
  • Glock 18c (Dual Glock 18c) (DLC)
  • Mosin Nagant(DLC)
  • Compound Bow(DLC)
  • Riot Shield & Glock 18(DLC)
  • 9mm Pistol (Dual 9mm Pistols)
  • Holdout (The Descent
  • Biolapse)
  • Endless (DieSector)
  • Summer Sideshow (The Tragic Kingdom(2017)
  • Airship(2018)
  • Steam Fortress(2019))
  • Halloween Horrors (Monster Ball(2018)
  • Ashwood Asylum(2019)
  • Hellmark Station(2020))
  • Twisted Christmas (Krampus Lair(2017)
  • Santa's Workshop(2018)
  • Sanitarium(2019)
  • Elysium(2020))
  • Content Patch 1&2 (Early Access Content Patch 01
  • Incinerate 'N Detonate Update)
  • Summer Sideshow(2017)
  • Halloween Horrors(2017)
  • Krampus' Christmas(2017)
  • Infinite Onslaught(2018)
  • Treacherous Skies(2018)
  • Monster Masquerade(2018)
  • Season's Beatings(2018)
  • Cyber Revolt(2019)
  • Back & Kickin' Brass(2019)
  • Grim Treatments(2019)
  • Yuletide Horror(2019)
  • Neon Nightmares(2020)
  • Perilous Plunder(2020)
  • Infernal Insurrection(2020)
  • Christmas Crackdown(2020)
  • Weekly Outbreaks (Boom
  • Beefcake)
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